Discipline Office

Discipline at Dunnellon Middle School

Ms. Gwen Lindsey, Assistant Principal of Discipline- [email protected]

Mr. Tom Mottl, Dean of Students - [email protected]


There is no place where students reveal their manners or reflect the training they have received at home more conspicuously than in the cafeteria. We urge all students to use the cafeteria as a pleasant place to talk quietly, relax, and enjoy their lunch.


  • Students please use door assigned to your class
  • Students please stand in a single file line
  • Students wishing to purchase something from the snack display, need to do so when they get their lunches
  • Students will remain seated, except to throw out trash
  • Students must ask permission to use the restroom.
  • Students will wait for the bell before getting up to return to class
  • Stay off the grass and use only sidewalks

Dunnellon Middle School has granted the privilege to students to be able to sit where they want; inside or out … Most middle schools have assigned tables by classes. We ask our students to respect this privilege.


Dunnellon Middle School takes pride in being a school that focuses on character education as well as academics, The positive actions of students are rewarded and as a result we have a school that often serves as a model for others to follow.

From time to time it becomes necessary to discipline children for misbehavior. All teachers are responsible for putting in place a classroom management procedure that will enhance the opportunity for learning to take place for all students.


The following interventions will be used to correct student behavior:

  1. Verbal Warning by the teacher.
  2. Student/Teacher conference.
  3. Notification to parent.
  4. Silent Lunch may be used by the teacher as another intervention before a referral.
  5. Referral to the Discipline Office.

NOTE: Teachers are not limited to nor required to use all steps before writing a discipline referral.


A student’s failure to respond to the attempts by the teacher and parents to change or correct misconduct will result in a discipline referral being written and the student sent to the Discipline Office. Dunnellon Middle follows the Marion County Code of Student Conduct.


  1. Fighting
  2. Blatant disrespect
  3. Drugs, weapons, alcohol
  4. Willful disobedience/defiance